Oxford United Methodist Church
Saturday, March 29, 2025
God is on the Move

Women's Ministries

United Women in Faith
Oxford UMC has a very active United Women in Faith chapter. Our chapter President is Dr. Sue Doty. The UWF Mission Team leaders meet every first Wednesday at 5 pm. Our UWF participate in various mission projects through the Methodist Healthcare Ministries Wesley Center, the Adopt a Family Christmas Project, Project Linus, Collecting Children's Socks & Undies for Back to School.  Our UWF host The Annual Ice Cream Social which is a free event in which donations are accepted to help fund our UWF. The women also work in our Annual Rummage Sale and Fall Craft Fairs. 
United Women in Faith (UWF) CIRCLES:
* The Dorcas Circle meets every 3rd. Tuesday at 9:30 am in the Family Life Center.
* The Kneeling Sisters Circle meets on the First Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Education Building's Conference Room.
 Women's Bible Study
 We are currently looking for a new facilitator for this vital study and fellowship.
Women's Retreats
The women of the church attend a refreshing weekend getaway retreat each year. Dates will be posted for upcoming retreats. One-day mini-retreats occur throughout the year as well.