Oxford United Methodist Church
Sunday, September 08, 2024
God is on the Move
Pugh Scholarship Recipients have been selected. Letters to each recipient will bemailed on August 7, 2024.Names will be announced in The Weekender on August 15, 2024.In January of 1998, an academic scholarship was established at Oxford United Methodist Church as a memorial with the specific purpose of awarding educational scholarships for post-secondary school education.The scholarship is intented to provide financial aid to those in need that will allow the student to continue their education or training within the education system, or as additional training towards a productive job.The scholarship is for one year, payable by semester to the institution. Scholarship recipients must reapply each year.For full details and guidelines, please read the application. Applications must be returned to Oxford United Methodist Church.Return by mail (9739 Huebner Road, SATX 78240-3163), orReturn by email (infocenter@oxfordumc.org), orReturn to the church office .Applications are due by June 30, 2024.
ApplicationApplication Renewal(if link does not open, please request a copy at infocenter@oxfordumc.org)