Oxford United Methodist Church
Thursday, February 13, 2025
God is on the Move


Oxford UMC was begun in April of 1957.  We are a connectional church. We are part of the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. We are in the Las Misiones District. We are a church that is in ministry locally and globally. 
We are a congregation that is large and diverse enough to provide a wide array of programs, but small enough for a person to know and be known. We are a church "where everybody knows your name." The mission of Oxford is to bring people to Jesus and the church, build them up to Christian maturity, train them for their ministry, and send them out in mission that whosoever will may glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  
Oxford offers Sunday school, mid-week activities, a Mother's Day Out program, men's and women's and children's groups, a youth program, Vacation Bible School, music programs, mission trips, retreats, as well as programs for Seniors.
We serve the community through a wide variety of ministries
  • Food Pantry open each Wednesday to our community
  • Ministry to The Heights on Huebner Care Facility through song and biblical teaching
  • Stephen Ministry serves individuals seeking counseling
  • Shepherd Ministry serves to keep our congregation connected
  • Hosting the YMCA Summer camps
  • Hosting San Antonio Christian Family Fellowship (SACFF), which is a fellowship of families from India.
We are a casual, diverse, and multi-generational congregation.  With open hearts, open minds, and open doors, Oxford has a place for you here!