Oxford United Methodist Church
Sunday, March 09, 2025
God is on the Move

Youth Group

 Youth Group Information
Youth Group meets in the Gym / Youth Center Sundays at 9:00 am. For more info, please call the church office at 210-696-0192.  
All Oxford youth leaders and volunteers are Safe Gatherings certified.  
To learn more about Safe Gatherings, please visit https://safegatherings.com/
About Youth

Oxford YOUTH! is a multi-faceted effort to provide youth, ages 11 through 18, a place where they can be themselves. Youth can experience agape love, come to have a personal relationship with God, grow their knowledge of the Good News and God's love. They can also learn practical ways of making the faith of their family and church their own by applying that faith to their everyday lives. The Oxford UMC Youth Program is built on three pillars.

Worship - the relationship between God and the individual.

Fellowship - the relationship between the individual and the faith of the community.

Outreach - the relationship between the individual and the world at large.

Regular Youth Activities

  • Bible Study in the Upper Room - Sundays at 9:00 am in the Youth Room. Jr/Sr. High Bible Study covering core Christian beliefs in open, caring, studious (but fun) environment. 
  • Sunday Worship Services - Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 am each in our beautiful Sanctuary building.  This service has a well-blended mixture of contemporary and traditional elements. Communion is served each first Sunday of the month. All are welcome.