Oxford United Methodist Church
Friday, January 24, 2025
God is on the Move


Volunteers are a driving force for Oxford UMC.  Volunteering is important because of the many roles needed to keep our church running smoothly.  Each Sunday, volunteers greet, usher, teach, pray, read, and listen.  Volunteers assist in the Church office during the week.  Church volunteers also help those in our community who suffer or have needs they cannot meet themselves.
Where can YOU help out?  Opportunities are always available.  Below are just some of the opportunities available.  Contact our Church office at 210-696-0192; we can help find the right place for you.
CHURCH COUNCIL -- We renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our gifts, our service, and our witness that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.
EDUCATION TEAM which is responsible for the following areas:
Bible Study
Sunday School
Small Group Studies
Lenten and Advent Studies
Disciple Bible Studies
New Member Classes
Lay Leader Programs

EVANGELISM TEAM which is responsible for the following areas:
Easter Egg Hunt
The Pumpkin Patch
Fall Craft Fairs

MISSION TEAM which is responsible for the following areas:
Food Pantry
Missionary Support
Wesley Community Center
Youth and Adult Mission Trips
PRAYER TEAM which is responsible for the following areas:
Prayer Requests
"The Upper Room Prayer Chain" -- http://www.upperroom.org/prayer_center/
WORSHIP TEAM which is responsible for making our worship experiences meaningful and spiritual by being responsible for the following areas:
Recruit and Train- Ushers, Greeters, Lay Readers, Acolytes
Music Ministry Support
Flower Calendar
Banners, Lenten and Advent decorations for the worship space, Special Sundays

Christmas Eve Services, Lenten and Holy Week Services, Ash Wednesday Service

FELLOWSHIP TEAM which is responsible for the following areas:
All church wide gatherings and special events
Food for the sick, bereaved and homebound
Organize and stock Church kitchens

CHILDREN'S MINISTRY TEAM which is responsible for the following areas:
Children's Church
Vacation Bible School
Children's Choir
Mother's Day Out